Dear Parents 

Welcome to our Gan Israel family!
Whether you and your family are just getting to know us or you are returning to Camp Gan Israel for yet another summer of excitement and fun, we welcome you to Camp Gan Israel Summer 2023.

We are committed to providing your children with a safe and highly stimulating camp program. All our activities from sports and swimming to crafts, trips, and Challah baking, are designed to enhance their self-esteem, teach cooperation, increase their level of responsibility, and imbue within them a rich tradition of Jewish values, customs, and culture.

Our staff has been selected for their talents and abilities and is anticipating an exciting camp season. Our counselors were chosen for their warmth, enthusiasm, and ability to care for each child as an individual. 

New Families:

Welcome to CGI Daytona.
If this is your first time joining our camp, please fill out the "New Family Initial Form" HERE prior to registering.

Medical Policy: 

We are required to have up-to-date physical and immunization forms on hand for every child in camp. Please make sure that the office has an up-to-date copy for your children.

If your child is sick, please do not send them to camp. If your child has a fever (100°F or higher), you will be contacted to pick them up. If your child contracts any contagious condition (i.e., measles, pink eye, chickenpox) please notify the camp, and until your child is well with a doctor's note, parents will need to keep them at home.  Scrapes and abrasions will be cleansed with soap and anti-septic cleanser, and a band-aid will be applied. Camp maintains a first aid kit on site.  In the event of an emergency, the parents will immediately be notified and the child will be taken to the nearest hospital unless otherwise specified on their medical form. If the parents cannot be reached, the emergency contact will be notified.

General Policies:

1) No cell phones or electronics are to be brought to camp*. 

*Camp is not responsible for damaged or lost personal items.


Some trips require a waiver that must be completed at registration. You may find all the waivers in the registration form. Your child will not be able to go on the trip if the waiver is not returned prior to camp starting. 

What to send to camp: 

Please send the following to camp with your child daily unless otherwise noted: ALL ITEMS MUST BE LABELED.

  • Lunch and snacks
  • Sunscreen (please apply before camp)
  • Athletic shoes
  • Tzedakah (a coin or two for charity)
  • Camp T-shirt (Mandatory on all trip and swim days)
  • Water bottle (preferably a disposable one as they tend to get lost)  
  • Lunch in a disposable plastic bag for trip days (paper is likely to tear and leak). Regular lunch box on non-trip days.
  • Snacks 
  • Casual, non-costly clothing is encouraged due to the expected busy indoor/outdoor schedule.


Mini Gan campers should also bring:

  • Mini Gan campers will be provided with morning and afternoon snacks. Please note that Mini Gan will be tahini and cashews free due to allergies. 
  • Change of clothing to be kept in camp
  • Diapers and wipes (we will notify you when it needs to be replenished).
  • Ages 3yr. and 4yr. only a folding mat for nap time (if you don't have one, you can get one HERE)
  • A small blanket (small pillow optional) for nap time
  • Sun Hat
  • Towel (will be sent back home on Friday).
  • On Tuesday and Thursday, campers should come with a wet bag and their bathing suite on under their clothing.


Pickup and Drop Off: 


Drop off:
Monday - Friday: 8:45 a.m. - 8:55 a.m.

Monday - Thursday: 3:15 p.m. - 3:25 p.m.
Friday: 1:45 p.m. - 1:55 p.m.

Please avoid dropping off your child earlier than 8:45 a.m. so that they may be adequately supervised. We also ask that you have your child in camp on time so we can begin our camp day promptly. When dropping off your child, please drive to the back of the parking lot. A counselor will greet you and take your child to their appropriate location. The counselors will be there to greet you until 8:55. After that time, you will need to park and walk your child in through the main doors. To pick up your child, please drive up the same way and wait in your car. The camp staff will walk your child to your car. 



Drop off:
Monday - Friday: 8:55 a.m. - 9:10 a.m.

Monday - Thursday: 3:25 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.
Friday: 1:55 p.m. - 2:05 p.m.

Please avoid dropping off your child earlier than 8:55 a.m. so that they may be adequately supervised. We also ask that you have your child in camp on time so we can begin our trips and camp day promptly. When dropping off your child, please park in the parking lot. The counselors will be there to greet you until 9:10. After that time, you will need to park and walk your child in through the main doors. To pick up your child, please drive up the same way and wait in your car. The camp staff will walk your child to your car. 

General Camp Behavior Expectations:


Cooperate with staff • Respect others personal space • Respect hallway property • Use quite voice • Keep your place in line • Stay on the right side • Keep eyes looking forward • Use walking feet • keep hands to yourself • Use handrail going down stairs • Show good hallway manners • Keep hallway and stairwell clean • Make sure doors are closed • Hold door open for other campers • Report unusual hallway activity • Cooperate with staff


Patiently wait your turn • One person per stall •Keep seat wiped and clean • Flush toilet • Put all trash in trash can • Help keep bathroom clean • Keep quiet voice • Be considerate with time • close + lock door when you enter • Leave door open when you leave • Turn lights off when you leave • Wash hands with soap • Return lost items • Use 1 paper towel to dry hands •Turn off all faucets  • Be aware of camp announcements

Bunk room

Follow all counselor directions • Stay in your place • Keep your hands + feet to yourself • Bring everything you need for the bunk room • Use regular voice • Help keep bunk room clean • Take care of bunk room furniture • Take care of bunk room materials • Participate in bunk room activities • Participate in personal space • Listen to counselor during safety drills


Keep your place in line • Sit in your assigned seat • Raise your hand to leave your seat • Follow all counselor directions • Use quiet voice • Participate in benching with consolers • Eat your food • Sit quietly until lunch is over • Use good manners • Stay in the lunchroom • Make blessing before eating • Be kind to others with words + actions • Include others in your conversation • Ask a counselor before sharing food • Clean up after yourself • Keep lunchroom clean • Push chair back in when done • Report unusual activity to counselor


Stay in your seat • Keep your seatbelt buckled • Follow staff and bus drivers directions • Keep quite voice • Take all belongings with you when exiting the bus • Clean up all trash when exiting the bus

Field Trips/Swimming

Bring water bottle • Bring snack • Wear camp t-shirt • Wear camp wristband • Follow all staff directions • Stay with your counselor • Ware sunscreen

Camp Updates:

For all ongoing camp reminders and updates, please send your cell phone number to

 [email protected] and title the email Camp Updates.

Meet and Greet

Save the Date

Sunday, Jun 25, 2022

10:30-11:30 AM

Meet your counselors!

Purchase camp shirts!

And more…

At the Meet & Greet, campers will meet their new counselors and be placed in their appropriate division. 
T-shirts are to be worn on all field trips including swim days.  For this reason, all campers are required to have at least two t-shirts. Camp T-shirts are $10.00 each. The campers will be instructed to wear them on all field trip outings. Please check the Camp Calendar for field trip days to make sure your child has his/her t-shirt.  No camper will be allowed on a field trip without a t-shirt.

Please complete all forms, then call the office at 386-672-9300 to schedule an appointment to return the completed forms along with your child’s current medical forms (blue and yellow forms from your pediatrician) if needed.


Register and PAY IN FULL by May 31st and Save Big 

Discounted Pricing for Mini and Regular Gan

4 Weeks - $195 per week 

3 Weeks - $225 per week

2 Weeks - $225 per week

1 Week - $260  per week

Discounted Pricing for Pioneers

$325 per week


Registration after MAY 31st:

Mini and Regular Gan

$285 per week plus a Registration Fee of $130 (per camper)


$360 per week plus a Registration Fee of $130 (per camper)


All forms must be completed and tuition paid before attending camp (unless prior payment arrangements have been made.)

Please keep this letter for your information.